Whoa!nus: The Monster Ball — Part 1

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To keep this spooky train rolling, we’re chugging on up to Auld Reekie for the supernatural event of the season. This week, Morgan and Isabeau crash a party with a selection from The Monster Ball Year 2, an anthology of works imagining that self same soiree, titled “Turning The Tides” by Wendy Higgins. In this telling, a malevolent beast known as the Magpie is throwing the Ball, and this once who’s who of the otherworldly has taken a sinister turn. Our heroine is Ada, a selkie (for brevity: shapeshifting seal people of yore), who in order to return to the sea, must retrieve her pelt from among the patchwork monstrosity adorning the Magpie. But with a little help from a dryad and a conniving necromancer, Ada just might get her wish. What makes for a memorable party? Is good sex just attentive sex? How young is too young for necromancy? Dust off your best frocks y’all - it’s game time.

Whoa!nusWhoa!mance Podcast