Well, well, well. Guess who got discovered. Mmhm. And guess who continues to be overly optimistic? You got it. And guess who is kind of a classist jerk to their domestic workers? BINGO. You know what, maybe just sit this chapter out. You already know what's up.
Uhhhh, so who was going to remind us that Mr. Collins truly blows? Must run in the family…looking straight at you Mr. Bennet.
After the Bennett receive a really mean letter from their current cousin/former paramour, their dear father returns home to say he’s taking responsibility for his family. Papa then goes on to earn that letter and top spot as Bad Dad on the Whoa!mance bookshelf.
We also talk about conservative faced men.
There seems to be nothing to do except return home after Lydia goes missing. But sometimes, as Lizzie is about to discover, family can be cold comfort in a crisis.
Baby sisters ruin everything.
Or in this case Lydia's antics seriously harsh the vibe of Pemberly and the folks enjoying the views of the woods, and the views of Darcy's adorable face.
Is all hope now as lost as Lydia's virtue? Only time and a few more chapters will tell.
Well Lizzie is back at Pemberly and this time she's joined by a former frenemy: Caroline Bingley. Caroline attempts some pretty petty quips and only hurts herself. We also learn that Darcy thinks Lizzie is one of the handsomest women of his aquaintance! Thank you so much Caroline.
You know that feeling when your crush shows up and you want everything to go just right, and you want everyone in the room to think you're smart and funny? But you can't stop worrying that you're gonna put you're foot in your mouth so you spend the whole time like a ball of anxiety saying not that much at all and feeling really hot and bothered but not in a good way? Yeah no us neither. And not the dauntless Lizzie Bennet either....Are we all just a little bit Mrs. Bennet?