Netherfield Hall is let at last. Do with that information what you will.
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Netherfield Hall is let at last. Do with that information what you will.
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At the conclusion of Jane Eyre, yr grls reflect on what brought us to Jane Eyre and where Jane Eyre has brought us - including, but not limited to, it’s contrasts with “Pride and Prejudice”.
Is Jane Eyre a self aware text or does it mostly benefit from modern readers seeing its Id? Is the Darcy more prevalent than The Rochester? Is an archetype it’s arc? What’s next?
What’s wet is always wet.
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The story loose ends are tied and theory loose ends are frayed.
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Jane is doing much better, thank you. And so is Rochy. That doesn't mean there aren't some...weird...moments. But there are lots of flirty, teasey, sitting in the sunshine moments.
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We're back and so is Jane! Our Jane heeds to whispering, walloping call of Rochester's voice and finds her way back to Thornfield Hall. And boy, does she have a surprise coming.
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Our time in S------ is coming to a close, but St. John is not letting Jane go without a bang and one orgasmic head pat. But you know what speaks louder than orgasmic head pats? The voice of true love, that's what!
Join us as we reflect on our time away from Rochester, the bad feeling bleeding through the presence of Empire in the text, and that this part of the book may be the part that matters the most.
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