In which Mr. Collins shows his whole a$$ and Morgan and Isabeau discuss what makes a whole a$$.
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In which Mr. Collins shows his whole a$$ and Morgan and Isabeau discuss what makes a whole a$$.
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In which Lizzie has a really good time at a ball until she has a really, really bad time and yr grls Morgan and Isabeau ponder why Austen doesn't have more "Economy of Language" cred that Hemingway.
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In which Lizzie becomes aware of Mr. Collins's plans for her cousin hands, but doesn't mind because there's a cool ball coming up, and Jane plants herself firmly on the fence about Darcy.
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In which Wickham is dishy and dishing, leading Morgan and Isabeau to ponder - what is the appeal here? Do hotties get lost in the translation of time? Whatever the answer, it makes Mr. Collins seem marginally less ick.
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In which the gals bring their weird cousing, Mr. Collins, along on a walk to Meryton and we the readers end up feeling bad for Mr. Collins. And Isabeau and Morgan ponder - What did Denny know? What is Denny's culpability?
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In which Mr. Bennet gets tickled and Mr. Collins gets ticked and then Morgan and Isabeau get sad because why do these losers get to have such an okay time? #JusticeForMrsBennet.
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