166: You Could Be My Silver Flames - A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas

SARAH J. MAAS may have tried with A COURT OF SILVER FLAMES, but hasn't written one too long for us yet!

Political wunderkind and human-turned-fae-by-mystical-creation-myth-cauldron Nesta is running from her problems in self-destructive ways. So her sister, her sister's mate, and her sister's mate's B-Fri's seclude her a mountain mansion until she can turn that frown upside down. The B-Fri in charge is Cassian, a bat-hunk who knows a thing or two about regret as well as tai chi as well as battle training, but is lacking in Diplomacy. I think you know where this is going. (A five page beej scene).

How does the structure of a romance differ from a fantasy? And what are the nuances of both? What's going on with the portrayal of the Illyrians? WHERE IS THE THREESOME???

Shoot us a rude gesture down the bond if you must, just make sure to listen first.