Posts in Traditional Episode
173: Love It or Neoliberal It - The Duke Gets Desperate by Diana Quincy

Entrepreneur? I hardly know her! This week your girls are discussing whether or not THE DUKE GETS DESPERATE by DIANA QUINN can stand on business.

Raya just wanted to meet a penpal. Strick just wanted to own his Ducal castle. Instead, they end up in bed together - business-style! And also the other way. While Raya tries to get over the betrayal of her brother forcing her out of the business she helped build back in New York, The Duke of Strickland is trying to get over the betrayal of his father willing the family castle to her cousin (who then died mysteriously and willed it to Raya). But you know what they say, the best way to get over one capitalist venture is to get under another. But when the worlds of tourism, real estate, and The Nobility collide, sparks might fly.

Can one appreciate a novel that isn't meant for them, politically? What if the politics are like thiiiiis close? Is a murder plot really necessary?

Get the permits and a good respirator. We're going to take this one down to the studs.

172: Manifold Pleasures-You Made a Fool of Death With Your Beauty Akwaeke Emezi

In this episode Morgan and Isabeau dive into the deep end of what makes a romance a romance. Sure it's the beats, the structure and that all important HEA there something more?

Feyi is a young widow trying to bring herself back to life. She meets a handsome consultant whose dad is big in the art world, helping Feyi land an exciting exhibition on a tropical island. It's a picture-perfect romantic escape with artistic dreams realized—until Feyi finds herself thunderously attracted to the very last person on the island she should have the hots for. And wowza, does she have the hots!

This book is steamy, confrontational, and insistent on its romance. It's not easy, but that's what makes it so different and worthwhile.

171: Razor Blades vs. Blunt Axes - "San Francisco Earthquake 1906" by Kathleen Duey

This episode, yr grls feel the earth move under their feet thanks to SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE 1906 by KATHLEEN DUEY.

Sierra, she of the old-fashioned braids and humble dreams, works as maid in the grand Palace Hotel of San Francisco. Joseph Harlan, he of the ranch inheritance and general decency, is staying in The Palace Hotel. Joe is completely smitten with Sierra but she is coming to terms with her crush turning out to be a gold digger. Sierra and Joseph collide just as the Pacific Plate and North Atlantic Plate, and thus find themselves on the greatest adventure known to man. No, not love. Surviving the aftermath of an up to 8.3 on the richter scale earthquake in turn-of-the-century San Fran.

Remember when men were men and young adult fiction was for young adults? And also historical? Have we expanded the possibilities to the point of choking out skilled, professional writing?

You know what they say. If the tent's a-quakin', look out for the ensuing fires.

Romantasy Fest Panel with Megan Mackie, Samara Breger, Melanie Moschella, Tamara Jerée

We had a blast talking with Megan Mackie, Samara Breger, Melanie Moschella, Tamara Jerée at the first ever Romantasy Fest at Otherworld Theatre. We dished about Romantasy history both public and personal, influences, Romantasy vs. supernatural, comparing fantasy and romance, and the unique process of authoring a romance novel.

A note on sound - we recorded the panel using one mic, so the sound isn't what you're used to with our show. It is worth the listen, though!

169: That Permission Structure Feeling - The Secret Heart by Erin Satie [LISTENER REC]

When you call, Whoa!mance answers! A special listener recommended THE SECRET HEART by ERIN SATIE when we asked for weird books. So you KNOW we had to pick it up and lay it down.

I guess you could say we felt similarly to Adam, Earl of Bexley, when he first sees Caro Small in her ballet smalls - intrigued and horny! Caro decides to take advantage and improve her circumstances by throwing them both on the assignation-to-wedding pipeline. Sure he's her best friend's better-to-do cousin, and sure he's an entrepreneur (barf) AND secret pugilist-she can deal. But when Caro finds HERSELF kicking her feet and smiling, it all gets complicated in a new way.

What's the distinction between bad and unlikeable? How responsible are masc characters for their predilections? Is the general obsession with lady smallness eeking anybody else out?

If you have a book you'd like us to discuss, hit yr grls up via our socials or

And if you'd like to join us for a LIVE romantasy panel, go to

168: This Charming Land - "In Charm's Way" by Lana Harper

Quick Q - How whimsical are the jars you store your herbs in? Doesn't matter. Either way, Isabeau and Morgan are chatting IN CHARMS WAY by LANA HARPER.

In the halcyon days of a Great Lakes region summer, Delilah's magically-caused memory loss (read: desperate circumstances) call for turning to blood magic and the help of sexy, gladiator-sandal-sporting, half-fae mercenary Catriona (read: desperate measures). But are their magical adventures mere illusion? Only two ways to find out! Reading the book or listening to this podcast.

What can mend a righteous anger? How can romantasy ground a reader for maximum, magical effect? Is a rogue succubus just a tradwife (probably)?

Want to join yr girls AND Lana Harper for a discussion of Romantasy? Get your tickets at for our panel March 23 @ 11am (feat. mimosa, ever heard of her?)

Thank GODDESS we like this book, right?