Episode 109: The Category is....Thatcher? I Hardly Know Her! — Tangled Threads by Susanne McCarthy

Category Is: English Rose seeks personified Daddy Issue

Answer: “Tangled Threads” by Susanne McCarthy

Question: What is pretending to be the wife of the brother who raised you and ending up deflowered by the father of your brother’s child bride and everyone looks the same and all the villains are immigrants?

This week, Morgan and Isabeau follow their “Category Is” series down the recently expanded British motorway system of 1991.

Can a contemporary romance be a “bodice ripper”? Has anyone traced the Thatcher Feminism to Boris Johnson Misogynist pipeline? What’s a Tory? And can anyone stop the urban sprawl of the West Midlands?

Heat up the pan, this is the Full English, innit?

Whoa!mance is a part of the Frolic Podcast Network

Episode 108: Problematizing Romance w/Shelf Love

Back at it again with the Shelf Love co-release! Isabeau and Morgan had a great time chatting with Andrea Martucci about what it means to problematize and what it means to fetishize. Especially when it comes to (what else?) Romance! Psyched to share this eppy of Shelf Love in our feed. Don’t forget your copy of Das Kapital—or the whips and giant cartoon fox head for that matter. This conversation is a hot commodity.

Whoa!mance is a part of the Frolic Network.

Episode 107: The Category is....My Sister's Mister — How Can The Heart Forget? by Emilie Loring

Category Is: Posthumously Published Triangular Caper

Answer: “How Can The Heart Forget” by: Emilie Loring

Question: What if Nancy Drew never left the suburbs and was also in love with sister’s fiancee?

This week, Morgan and Isabeau kick off our “Category Is” series with plenty of zip and dash all the way from 1961.

How does it feel to find out you’re on a political treadmill next to Donna Reed? Does depth of story require depth of character? Does choice feminism still count if the choice is a wool suit or a ball gown? Who IS going to the Country Club dance?

Button that dress that sets off your eyes to the neck. The weather for this triple wedding is bitingly cold.

Whoa!mance is a part of the Frolic Podcast Network.

Whoa!Nus: The Category Is.....

Answer: Announcing an exploration into the oft overlooked but undeniably pervasive works known as Category Romance.

Answer, but in the form of a question: What is the topic of this week's Whoa!nus?

Yr girls Isabeau & Morgan are excited to share their big summer plans: CATEGORY IS. Each week a new Category Romance (from Isabeau’s own random box of romance) published in a different post-war-pre-low-rise-jeans decade.

Monthly Doubles on the board, category is: Category Is.

This week’s episode of Whoa!mance is brought to you by An Earl, The Girl and a Toddler by Vanessa Riley. Available now from Kensington Books.

Whoa!mance is a part of the Frolic Podcast Network

Jane Eyre Read Along — Chapter Twenty-Five

As the wedding day draws closer, Jane is taking stock of her new identity: that of the amorphous Mrs. Rochester. This week, Jane revisits the now lightning scared chestnut tree, reveals to have been befallen by a series of disquieting dreams, and confronts an incredulous Mr. Rochester directly when her nightmares trip-trap into her waking life. Is it cold feet, Grace Pool, or something far more sinister?

Whoa!mance is a part of the Frolic Podcast Network.