When you call, Whoa!mance answers! A special listener recommended THE SECRET HEART by ERIN SATIE when we asked for weird books. So you KNOW we had to pick it up and lay it down.
I guess you could say we felt similarly to Adam, Earl of Bexley, when he first sees Caro Small in her ballet smalls - intrigued and horny! Caro decides to take advantage and improve her circumstances by throwing them both on the assignation-to-wedding pipeline. Sure he's her best friend's better-to-do cousin, and sure he's an entrepreneur (barf) AND secret pugilist-she can deal. But when Caro finds HERSELF kicking her feet and smiling, it all gets complicated in a new way.
What's the distinction between bad and unlikeable? How responsible are masc characters for their predilections? Is the general obsession with lady smallness eeking anybody else out?
If you have a book you'd like us to discuss, hit yr grls up via our socials or whoamancemail@gmail.com
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