This episode, yr grls feel the earth move under their feet thanks to SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE 1906 by KATHLEEN DUEY.
Sierra, she of the old-fashioned braids and humble dreams, works as maid in the grand Palace Hotel of San Francisco. Joseph Harlan, he of the ranch inheritance and general decency, is staying in The Palace Hotel. Joe is completely smitten with Sierra but she is coming to terms with her crush turning out to be a gold digger. Sierra and Joseph collide just as the Pacific Plate and North Atlantic Plate, and thus find themselves on the greatest adventure known to man. No, not love. Surviving the aftermath of an up to 8.3 on the richter scale earthquake in turn-of-the-century San Fran.
Remember when men were men and young adult fiction was for young adults? And also historical? Have we expanded the possibilities to the point of choking out skilled, professional writing?
You know what they say. If the tent's a-quakin', look out for the ensuing fires.